Saturday, June 18, 2011

Modus Operandi for this blog

Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope that the content in the myriad of topics in this blog will stimulate penetrating dialectic. The topics will consist of philosophy and Literature, philosophy of religion, philosophy of the mind, epistemology, philosophy of literature, topics in Literature and analysis of many types of texts. Here are some rules and guidelines if you do decide to contribute to said topics:

1: You cannot use profanity

2: You shall not make pejorative remarks or vituperative, invective or derogatory labels to anyone or use any racist terminology or you will be out.

3: This blog is open for discussion only to age 18 persons or older.

4: Any links to non-academic sites will not be tolerated, any links to pornographic sites, than you will be off of here.

I hope you abide by these rules and enjoy your stay

- Chris A. Powell

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